What you need to know about the upcoming Sales Tax Election

NOTE – This is the ninth part of a series published exclusively in the Jackson Parish Journal regarding the upcoming sales tax election. Over the next several weeks we will look at among other things: what a sales tax represents, how the tax is derived, why parish officials feel that an increase is needed, where the additional funds will be applied and when the new tax rate, if approved, will take effect. Today – Changes in revenues/expenses in last five years!

Unlike an election where the voting public chooses one candidate over another because they believe the platform and beliefs that a candidate personifies through speeches and campaign promises, the upcoming choice voters have to make is whether or not the additional money asked for is needed. The best way to project what is needed for the future is to revisit the past. Just how much money does the Solid Waste Department have to deal with today? How much did this department have five years ago? Below is a factual breakdown in dollars of the increases and decreases in revenues and expenses from 2015 and the budget numbers that are for 2021.

Revenues – Solid Waste Fund 2015 2021 Difference
Sales Tax Receipts 1,302,385 1,100,000 (202,285)
Commercial Collection Fees 127,225 200,000 72,775
Dumping Fees Charged 10,762 10,000 (762)
Interest 9,434 3,000 (6,434)
Recycling metal/plastics/paper/etc. 21,759 16,000 (5,759)
Recycled wood products 15,605 8,500 (7,105)
Difference in revenue (149,570)

Expenses – Solid Waste Fund 2015 2021 Difference
Personnel 738,009 944,168 206,159
Facility 29,380 36,177 6,797
Fleet Management 193,147 236,811 43,664
Building/Infrastructure repair 0 17,552 17,552
Equipment 79,554 133,929 54,375
General Operating Expenses 109,207 120,000 10,793
Outside Services 246,331 336,300 89,969
Transfers out 0 22,000 22,000
Difference in expenses 451,309

The difference in how much money is being brought in is $149,570.00 less than five years ago while the amount of expenses have skyrocketed to $451,309.00. That means the total change in money that the Solid Waste Department has to deal with today is $600,879.00 less than five years ago. The question that has to be considered is what will these amounts look like five years from now? Ten years from now? If the past five years is any indication than it can be expected for revenues to continue to fall while expenses continue to increase. 

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